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Joy Gill

Joy Gill was born and raised in Punjab. He is a pastor, song writer, composer and singer. Joy serves as a Pastor at DBF Gurgaon which is part of a larger network of congregations in the NCR called Delhi Bible Fellowship, a non-denominational church centered on Jesus Christ. Prior to becoming a Pastor, Joy worked as Executive Assistant to CEO in several companies.  He sensed the Lord calling him to serve as a minister, and in May 2012, he quit his job in the corporate sector to be able to serve in the Church ‘full time’. Joy is currently shepherding the Hindi Congregation of DBF Gurgaon, called Yesu Naam Satsang. He also devotes part of his time to writing and composing Gospel-centred, Christ-exalting music, besides making Christian videos and writing articles in Hindi. You can learn more or listen to some of his music at


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