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Awake 2024


“A friend loves at all times.” (Prov. 17:17)

Annual Youth Conference
August 16-18 2024, St. Mary’s Villa, Khandala
(open for ages 18 to 30)

We live today with a surplus of friends. This is the age of complete interconnection, where it is almost impossible not to be in touch with hundreds of people through the social networks built for us. To “friend” someone means something completely different than what it would have meant even a few decades ago.

In our generation, what is friendship? How are we to be true, faithful and loyal? Are we doing it right? Thankfully answers are found in the Gospel. From the Lord Jesus Christ who died to make sinners and enemies friends, we can understand both what a friend means and how to have meaningful friendships. Come, it’s going to be a great conference!

Conference Features

  • Challenging, biblical teaching from passionate pastors and leaders
  • Practical interactive sessions
  • Vibrant, Christ-centered worship songs and new songs for you to take back with you
  • “Awake” is open to all between ages 17 to 30
  • Personal discussion groups and one-on-one guidance from scripture
  • Open to all churches!

Conference Costs

  • Register early! Discounted price of Rs. 1900 is valid only until July 31st. A discounted T-shirt is also offered if you register early. After this, registration will cost be Rs. 2250 per head.
    Cost includes conference materials, meals and accommodation.
  • Dormitory-style Accommodation is provided at the venue (St. Mary’s Villa, Khandala), included in cost of registration.
    Separate dormitories for ladies and men is arranged.